Access Universal Consciousness
With the Empowering Tools of Access Consciousness®
"Aham Brahmasmi" - A Mahavakya in Sanskrit, the essence of which is that
The core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the Universe, the Source of All that Exists!

True Success for me is Being a contribution and being a catalyst to transform other people's lives. It is truly an honor to be the Space of a Catalyst and be a Stimulus to empower and propel such 'wonder'full beings who attend these classes to a greater possibility! Grateful! It is testimonials like this that aspire and inspire me to empower people by facilitating more of Access classes, What else is possible? thank Gary, Dain, Access Consciousness and the Universe for connecting me with such wonderful beings! May you all be blessed!

Anuradha Sen
Good morning mi sweet lady!! Lots of love to you mi dear sweet gorgeousness
I am so glad and fortunate to have been able to take up the Access classes with you!
What a phenomenal journey of revaluations and revalations... so much of what I was doing was out of obligation and not out of choice! No wonder things felt so heavy and depressive!... I was going around in this infinite loop of indecision considering and judging what would be the 'right' thing to do for the path forward.. oh God! That was tiring! Thank you so very much for showing me that life doesn't have to be so heavy no matter where when or how we are...
I take a breath of relief today to know that the universe is so totally willing eager and wanting to support each and every one of our choices as long as we make it from a place of empowerment and freedom...
Thank you for this course in magic has unfolded my belief in a brighter and lighter world into my present reality...
So, here I am ready and eager to dive into a world of adventure and possibilities down under. The Access consciousness tools have been instrumental in getting an awareness of the existence of this ability that we all have and can hone. HDIGABTT?
Hey Raji, my last meeting with CEO was totally different. He was not mobbing rather he was cooperative.That is your credit! Thanks once more. HCTGABTT?"
"Since I did the bars class and read the book and doing the foundation more or less simultaneously I can't say what has what effect. I can only say that the tools work! I feel more energy and I am more courageous in telling things to people how I really feel or what I think. I also feel that I have more space and feel lighter. My feeling is that things are changing in my life.
I get calls from people who didn't call me before... I get compliments from people out of the blue....it's very exciting and it's somehow magical. I am grateful and I am looking forward to soooooo much more, I guess this is only the very beginning of a truly magical journey into life and myself."

Bars made them laugh more and sleep well for the first time!
Anushree Agarwal
"I attended Access Foundation and Level 1 facilitated by Raji last year. I totally loved the energy generated in the class and the pure space of energetic exchange that was created. I felt a shift of years in four days, my body was rejoicing in the space created and a lot of POVs (Points of views) on many subjects that has become a limiting factor in my life were eliminated. What I really liked was the way Raji brought the energy of group together and was able to be the Space of Allowance that allowed each one of us to work with our issues and move beyond them. I wonder what will it be like for more people to tune into that energy and outcreate it. And what will it be like to create more happy joyous us with these classes. Wishing Raji all the best
Hi Raji, Thank you so much for the access consciousness level 1 class on April. Thank you very much for your time. I am truly reaping the benefits of access bars. I m running them everyday now. I really have a different perspective on life now. What a wonderful day it was when we meet. It was like a divine meeting!!! It is a red lettered day in my life!!! The vibe of the class was really ecstatic..You are so awesome. Feeling blessed and grateful to have met you!! Thank you very much!!! May your work heal many souls in this world!!
Blessings, Peace and Love

Thank you for introducing me to access. Remember coming for the EFL class first and being amazed by the energy flows.
Thank you for making time and space for exchanges I love and cherish those times :)
Thnk you for all impromptu classes and the enrgy and enthusiasm
Thank you for encouraging to attend Gary's bars class online and hosting a POD for it inspite of it being a work day for you
Thank you for being in allowance of me no matter what
Thank you for being a friend and lending a ear
Thank you for telling me about the Right Body class and facilitating me to stay for the facilitators
Thank you for empowering me to commit to my life when I wasnt sure
Thank you for squeezing in a foundation class just so that I could attend the 3 day body class
Thank you for for always being there
Thank you for telling me how amazing the 9 Trannies is
May not have experienced it if not for you :)
How much magic can you be?
How much fun and life can you be?
With lots of love and gratitude,