Access Universal Consciousness
With the Empowering Tools of Access Consciousness®
"Aham Brahmasmi" - A Mahavakya in Sanskrit, the essence of which is that
The core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the Universe, the Source of All that Exists!

Thymus Activation
Turbo-charge your healing power!
This can be run when the body needs more
energy and to help increase your awareness.
The thymus gland is part of your immune
system until you hit puberty, and then it "turns
off". It's a vestigial organ. After you've done
this process, the thymus gland will start to
activate again and support your physical body.
Once the thymus is reactivated, it will begin to
handle the viruses and microbes that your
body has not been able to handle in the past.
The Thymus will start to generate and become stronger. It is the center from which we gain energy.
The second process allows you to bypass the the electrical component of your reality and assists you in moving into the vibrational wavelength of your acoustical being.
Awareness is an acoustical vibration; judgment is an electrical ibration.
What if our bodies vibrtationally resonates with Oneness rather than this electrical reality? Would eliminitaing polarities created by the electrical vibrations promote healing in your body?